Comparing Hallucinations and Mansplaining

Helping AI hallucinate. It’s like Mansplaining as a Service! (MaaS)

This section includes examples from Mike’s talk at the AI the Docs conference, April 3, 2024.

I got into a “discussion” with ChatGPT. It had an interesting take when comparing “Hallucinations” and “Mansplaining”. Based on my research, I’m hereby referring to AI hallucinations as Mansplaining as a Service (MaaS). Everything below is a direct quote from ChatGPT:

Your perspective brings an interesting angle to the discussion on AI behavior and its social implications. When AI produces outputs that are incorrect yet presents them with confidence, it can indeed mirror certain social dynamics, including what’s perceived as “mansplaining,” where the assertion of correctness doesn’t necessarily align with actual knowledge or understanding.

In this light, the parallel you’re drawing highlights how the interaction with AI can reflect broader social behaviors and perceptions, particularly around authority and knowledge dissemination. Here are a few points to consider in this context:

  • Authority and Confidence: AI systems, especially advanced models, often present information with a level of confidence implied by the decisiveness of their responses. This can be interpreted as the AI “asserting” it knows more, similar to the social dynamic you’ve described.

  • Perceived Expertise vs. Actual Knowledge: Just as mansplaining involves an unwarranted assumption of greater knowledge or expertise, AI hallucinations can create a facade of understanding where none exists. The AI does not “know” in a human sense but generates responses based on patterns in data it was trained on.

  • Impact of Presentation: The way information is delivered—whether by a person or an AI—can significantly affect the recipient’s perception of that information. An AI’s assertive presentation of incorrect information due to hallucinations can parallel the condescension felt in mansplaining, where the value of the information is overshadowed by how it’s conveyed.

  • Design and Ethics Considerations: This comparison underscores the importance of designing AI systems that are not only accurate but also mindful of how they communicate. Ensuring AI interactions are respectful, considerate, and transparent about the limitations of the AI’s knowledge is crucial in mitigating these issues.

Functionally, AI hallucinations and the social dynamics of mansplaining share the common ground of a disconnect between the perceived authority of the speaker and the actual accuracy or relevance of the information provided. Recognizing and addressing this in AI development involves a nuanced understanding of both the technical challenges of AI accuracy and the social dynamics of human-AI interaction. This comparison provides valuable insight into how AI might be designed and employed more thoughtfully to foster positive, respectful, and genuinely informative exchanges.

Last modified January.01.0001