Mike's Blog Posts

Mike’s professional discussions

This document includes Mike’s blog posts. Many were originally published on LinkedIn.

You’ll find my blog posts in the best-practices subdirectory. What I post here, I believe, are best practices in software and technical writing.

What to do with disorganized docs

Organizing docs: your choices

The Good Docs Project can help you

Watch The Good Docs Project

Mike can help you create better content

Mike can help you create better docs

Best practices after a layoff

How to present yourself after a layoff.

A Tech Writer who knows Systems Administration

Mike empathizes with sysadmins in his docs

Linus Torvalds and the Portland Linux User Group

Surprise guest, Linus Torvalds

Minimalism, Technical Writing, and UI Text

“If I had time, I’d write a shorter letter” - Blaise Pascal

Community Contributions and Documentation

When are community contributions valuable?

Laptops and Problematic Pre-installed Linux

How I used what I learned for Red Hat exams to fix a “new” factory installation

Keep Your Sentences Short

Mike’s professional discussions

Minimum Viable Documentation for Developers

So much to do, so little time!

Open Sourcing Docs in a Closed Source Startup

Overcoming Objections to Open Source

2001, AI, and Cognative Bias

AI and bigger picture questions

For docs-as-code, Git is essential

It helps to know Git well

AI and tech writers

AI, comedy, and prompt engineering

If You Like `git`, You'll Love `tig`

Mike’s professional discussions

RSA. Sometimes We Get Fooled

Drama With the Future of RSA

Select a Static Site Generator

So many options!

Last modified April.04.2024