Mike's Professional Website

This website is a work in progress. For more official information, see Mike’s LinkedIn profile.

This is my personal “professional” website. It serves as a portfolio. Courtesy of open source licenses, it’s also built on the work that I did to create “first-time” documentation for Cobalt. As described in the README, I created the repo, with “extras,” and described how others can use my work.

I’m a Linux-focused writer for:

  • Developers
  • Sysadmins
  • Security professionals

I create clear and engaging documentation. I’ve created authoritative content in Linux, security, and Identity Management. I am also a Red Hat Certified Engineer (RHCE v5) and an avid speaker at industry events.

I built a docs-as-code documentation practice from scratch at Cobalt.io, where I also developed a voice and tone style guide for user experiences, taught non-writers to create better UI text, and set up a paid open source documentation contribution program. At GitLab, I guided the documentation efforts for the Manage Stage and developer content. At ForgeRock, I have seven years of experience writing with expertise about Identity Management.

My mission is to share my passion for new software and to help users achieve their goals with the rigor of a technical writer.

You’ll find this content at ai-techwriter.com. I really started learning about AI and writing at the 2023 conference of the Society for Technical Communication. I have a couple of blogs on the subject, and will add more information as I solidify what I know about AI.

Mike's Qualifications

Mike has done these things before

Mike's Books

Mike's Blog Posts

Mike’s professional discussions

Mike's Conference Talks

Mike speaks at conferences.

Mike's Podcasts

Mike discussing documentation

Last modified April.04.2024